How to start as an adult affiliate from the resource point of view

This is the first part of the AWE Webmaster Tutorial and as you have just started out, we will take a look at the basic resources you can or should rely on when you decide to become a webmaster. Even if you have your own website that actually has great traffic, do as much as you can in order to achieve an impeccable quality of user experience and although the backbone is provided by us, we still count on you to add your own know-how and your efforts as well.

These factors certainly play a part in your success, but not all of them are required at the same time. There is no such thing as an ideal constellation of the items listed below, but you can rely on the help of others or learn these skills.

  • Funds
    You will need money in order to start out, if only to cover your own expenses.

    As for the site’s expenses: before actually spending money on a product or service, do your homework and some research to find out if it is worth buying. We advise you to take your time to learn and experience what the best and absolutely necessary products are that provide actual revenue. A typical example is Google AdWords which is frequently updated and requires an in-depth knowledge for proper usage – useful investment but only in case you are actually able to use it. Consult this section of our FAQ for more information.

  • Language knowledge
    A second or a third language is an absolute advantage. If you do not speak the language of your site, hire a native translator, copywriter or content manager who can steer things impeccably in the respective language your site is published.
  • Domains
    If possible, get a relevant adult-related domain in the adult realm that reflects your site’s nature or at least your webmaster name. A name that represents your selection of models or your niche is always the best choice.
  • Affiliate experience
    Previous experience in affiliate marketing is certainly an advantage that will help you understand our conditions and adapt to the world of webmasters more quickly.
  • Adult experience
    If you have adult experience (as a studio owner, as a model or an adult-oriented company representative), you probably know the facts, roles and factors involved in this business.
  • Programming knowledge
    This skill is not necessary in the beginning as there are plenty of sites available that can be easily assembled with just a few clicks from basic templates.
    When it comes to placing promo tools on your site, it might require a minimum of HTML knowledge but if you just Google the process, it will work as well.
  • Online marketing knowledge
    SEO: Important on many levels: a well optimized site will be crawled by search engines that will be able to find indexable content if your site has descriptive and informative headings, meta tags, meta descriptions, friendly URLs to start with. If you have any inquiries, send us a message here with the subject ‘SEO’.

    AdWords: Effective means of advertising your business and site on Google and its advertising network. Precise targeting and measurable value are just a few advantages you can rely on.

    Copywriting: Great copy; carefully selected keywords based on a great amount of research of your target audience and the niche or profile of your site; a catchy headline or slogan; neatly composed, spot-on newsletters; and relatable communication with your users on social media sites will do a world of good to your business.

    Conversion optimization: A cornerstone of internet marketing, conversion optimization helps to convert ordinary visitors into customers by reducing bounce rate based on analytics and user response.

  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends
    Why? Because your competitors are doing the same. After all, this too is an Internet marketing business, and in this line of work you are expected to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and solutions.

    How to? Go to meetups and conferences, follow tech blogs, read industry news (affiliate and adult as well), follow trendsetters on Twitter, keep up with related community and news sites or visit the Adult Webmaster Directory for a complete list of adult related businesses. The AWE Blog also posts regular Tips & Tricks related to SEO, linkbuilding, monetizing your traffic, advertising, increasing the conversion and many more.

  • A network of people
    Specialists or simply people with a hand to lend: things you can’t do yourself, others may be able to help you with, be it programming, professional tips, IT or marketing knowledge. Just a few sites to look for skilled professionals in any field you look for help in:


    Fellow adult industry affiliate professionals:
    we recommend that you attend webmaster summits, events at first to simply meet up with people and build your business relations, and also to extend your expertise, as there is a lot to learn from seminars besides discussing your opportunities of doing business together.

The next part of the Webmaster Tutorial will help you decide if you should promote a LiveJasmin brand or you should set up your own whitelabel.

Any ideas, comments or thoughts? Share your opinion with us in the Comments section below!