Everything about Promo Tools at A.W. Empire

Everything about Promo Tools at A.W. Empire

A.W. Empire’s promo tools are among the most popular in the industry. We have Whitelabels, Link Codes, Model Feed API, Pre-Rolls, Popunders, Banners, and the list goes on. No matter the tool, we update it regularly to remain compliant and useful to you.

So, let’s explore the best we have to offer. We’ll go through the definition, recent updates, top picks, and the ways to generate your own promo tool as an affiliate. 


Promo Tools of A.W. Empire explained

As you know, promo tools are links or code snippets, which are used to prompt your creatives to the user on a given ad space. Once they are integrated, you can choose whatever suits you best from a whole plethora of categories, the top of which are:

  • Interactive creatives (Cam Tab, Postitials, Popunders)
  • Video creatives (Pre-Rolls, Video Banners, Live Feeds)
  • Image creatives (Banners, Chat Head Tool, Hypnoimage)
  • Embeddable content (iFrames, Model Feeds, Link Codes)

We believe that strong partnerships are our main asset, so we do our best to cover all the possible demands of our partners and work hard to perfect our tools. It’s all about making your work with us exciting, comfortable, and profitable. If you are not an affiliate at A.W. Empire yet, register now to claim your $150 sign-up bonus.


Model Feed as our best converting tool

A.W. Empire Model Feed as our best converting tool

Some of our promo tools outperform the others. Model feed is the best example, offering an unparalleled customization experience.

You can filter its content by image size, categories (girl, gay, couple), subcategories (region, hair color, location), and many other options. The results can be sorted by popularity with the preferred models popping up on top no matter what.

The key advantage of using a Model Feed is quick access to a broad library of content, but it’s also important to note that the whole Model Feed looks organic and integral to your website.

To start off with the Model Feed, navigate to “Promo Tools” in the upper bar of your dashboard. You’ll find all the necessary documentation there to implement it, either in XML or JSON format.


Other top performers

Model Feed works well for webmasters and tube sites, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We have a lot of well-converting tools to choose from; take a look below.

  • Link Code: the most basic variant, a simple link, which a webmaster or affiliate can place under a text, for example, referring to the promoted site or banner; it is also normally used for media buying
  • Popunders: a classic and one of the most widespread marketing tools; oldie but goodie
  • Postitials: a more Google-friendly alternative to Popunders, best used for targeting mobile traffic
  • Live Feeds: a highly customizable tool that displays live camera feed and is linked to the model chatroom

No need to ignore other tools. They might be more specific, but in some cases they are the best option. That’s why it’s so crucial to regularly run A/B tests and consult your AM. We can help you find the optimal set of tools for your particular case.

Access all the options via the Promo Tools tab found at the top of your dashboard. Remember, before selecting your Promo Too, choose your target site, optimal program, and campaign name for better tracking. To target our sites and services to be promoted, go to site/ program/ campaign.


The updated interface

A.W. Empire - The updated interface

While we never cease to improve, recently, we’ve been more active than usual in dishing out the improvements on our platform. One such update is the new interface of the Promo Tools. Remember us saying earlier about the most converting tools?

From now on, this list will update dynamically, putting the top performers before anything else. Also, there are fewer clicks needed for some tools that have only a single option, e.g., Link Code, Live Feed, or Model Feed.

We always listen to your wishes and desires when it comes to improving our platform. That’s why you can always leave your feedback by writing to your AM or our support team. Our mission is to make your work with us pleasant, convenient, and profitable.



Every ad campaign is unique and requires a dedicated approach. That’s why we stay proactive and provide an exhaustive list of promo tools to ensure we’ve got you covered. Moreover, we perfect every tool of ours day and night to provide you only the finest solutions on the market. With A.W. Empire, you’ll find the right set for your needs.

Just remember that if you don’t know how something works, you can always contact us for more info — we’ll gladly help you.