Payouts are sent periodically, twice a month.
If you reach your Payout Threshold in the 1st period of a month (1st – 15th), you will receive your payment by the 10th of the next month.
If you reach the Payout Threshold in the second period of a month (16th – 31st), you will receive your payout by the 25th of the next month.
If you do not reach the Payout Threshold in a period, your earnings are carried over to the next period until you reach your Payout Threshold. The payout dates are always on the 10th and 25th of the following month, regardless of the payment method you choose. We send payments several days before the official payout dates to make sure everyone receives their funds in time.
You also have the option to withdraw your funds earlier for an additional fee, using the Fast Payout option.